Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Vt Joins the Sodom & Gomorrah List

Vermont becomes 4th state to legalize homosexual "marriage" by overridding Gov. Jim Douglas' veto.

"Marriage Bill Veto Override Attempts To Take Place Today"

This has been a long & emotional battle in Vt.; and dispite all the attempts to push it through in the past, the voice of the citizens would not allow it to pass through the voting process. Back in 2000 the courts tried to step in and override the people with the assistance of former Gov. Howard Dean, but the people again said NO. Unfortunately the people lost their say; and the law makers, (many of whom have chosen the homosexual lifestyle themselves and/or are personal promoters of this lifestyle),stepped over the will of the people to bully this legislation through.

Governor Douglas is a good man and is highly commended for his stance on this issue. He has been quoted time & again saying that this legislation is a distraction from the real issues Vermont is facing. He took his stand but refused to influence the other Republican lawmakers. I suspect that it is because Gov. Douglas signed his own pink slip in taking this action. That saddens me because Gov. Jim Douglas is a very down-to-earth man with alot of old fashion common sense. He governs with compassion & fairness.

For those who feel that homosexuals have a right to marry and don't understand why "hate mongering Christian" are trying to impose their beliefs on others, this not so simple act of including "homosexual marriages" in the official definition of marriage has a far broader impact than homosexual-sympathizers realize. Let me give you an example how this will impact the average person. If a wedding photographer feels that marriage should be between a man & woman and decides that taking pictures of homosexual weddings is not something they would be comfortable with, they could be sued & formally charged with discrimination by refusing to perform that particular job. So if that photographer doesn't compromise their covictions they could very easily loose the business they worked so hard to build plus face criminal charges for discrimination. And if a church and/or pastor chooses not to allow "homosexual marriages" in the church, they will also face charges. The list goes on; but you get the picture.

This is truly a sad day for not only the state of Vermont, but also the Country.

May the Lord have mercy on us.

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