Thursday, April 30, 2009

Swine Flu and other stuff

Update: The “Messiah Obama” painting debut scheduled for NYC was canceled due to thousands of emails and calls of protest.

Swine Flu

There seems to be about as many rumors as facts circulating around the news about the recent swine flu outbreak in Mexico. According to WHO, there have been 7 deaths connected to this flu so far. There has been confirmation that it has expanded to 11 states, with North Carolina being the latest.

Sore throat
Muscle & joint pain
Shortness of breath
Illness may elevate to a severe respiratory illness within about 5 days, with possible vomiting and diarrhea.

The swine flu appears to have the same symptoms as the regular flu. This makes it even harder to detect, because most people tend to just ride out the flu and won’t seek medical attention.

Egypt has caused major protest because they have ordered the termination of swine in that country as a precaution. Russia and other countries have chosen to stop the import of swine from Mexico and some of the US states due to this outbreak. But from everything I’ve read, this swine flu is more than likely man-made. There have been no instances where this has passed from pig to people. The outbreak occurred close to a major pig farm, yet none of the pigs showed any signs of illness and no one has gotten sick from eating pork. Isn’t it funny how borders will be closed to pigs, which don’t pass the virus, yet stay as porous as sieves for those people who may?

Here's a map of the most current Swine Flu instances:

And you thought you were having a bad day ~

Mr. Parrot, (real name), came home and found the locks changed on his house and he was left on the curb, “Wrong house repossessed” –

The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'” - Ronald Reagan

Have a good day & may the Lord bless you.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


"On his 100th day in office, President Obama will be "crowned" in messianic imagery at New York City's Union Square.

Artist Michael D'Antuono's painting "The Truth" – featuring Obama with his arms outstretched and wearing a crown of thorns upon his head – will be unveiled on April 29 at the Square's South Plaza."

Dear God, forgive them for they know not what they do. Saints, if there was ever a time to pray ~ now it that time. May God have mercy on us.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Anger vs. Joy ... which do you choose?

There seems to be alot of talk in the news lately about "Hate". It's no secret that society today is becoming angrier. Is it justified?

The Congress has decided to do something about this "hate" issue. "The Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009" is creating an intense stir on the floor of the House of Representatives. One side says that it partains only to the physical act of assault on individuals listed in the legislation, not appearing to respond to the charge that Christians who talk against the sin of homosexuality could be seen as inciting hate crimes.

My question is, doesn't there seem to not just be more "hate" going around these days, but more hateful actions as well? At Apple Valley Elementary school in Yakima, Washington, a little 5-year-old boy came home from kindergarten one day. As his mom was cleaning out his backpack, she found a clear plastic bag containing feces and a note from the teacher that said, "This little turd was found on the floor in my room." Seems that the little boy had made a couple of boo-boos back at the beginning of the school year, (like many little 5-year-olds do), and this led the irrate teacher to pin the crime on him. According to the article, the child's grandmother stated that the little boy hadn't even been in the classroom when the 'evidence' was found. As a matter of fact, he was in an entirely different facility attending special education classes. What if the kids on the school bus had been goofing around that day and had opened his backpack? What if the plastic bag that was used had come undone? And there's always the most obvious question ... what if it wasn't even his? This teacher had shamed & humiliated a mere babe. When my kids first started public school years ago, all I heard for the entire year was how smart 'teacher' was. They each thought their kindergarten teachers' opinions & comments were the final word on wisdom and knowledge. I would like to say that the teacher had forever lost her license and resorted to selling pencils to real teachers. But the truth is, she was allowed to keep her job and the little boy was transfered to another facility for the remainder of the year.

There's alot more in the news lately. Actually the headlines change almost hourly these days. Lots of angry folks saying lots of angry words. But today, I simply don't have the heart for it. About the only good news I'm finding right now is the proclaimation of God's love. He actually loves this sinful and often 'hateful' world. If it were me, I'd throw up my hands and tell the angels to bring back the flood. It's a good thing He didn't leave me in charge. Instead, He sent His very Son to die a cruel & inhumane death for us. But that's only half of the scoop ~ His Son Jesus Christ didn't stay in that tomb. HE ROSE FROM THE DEAD! And now He's with Father God in heaven waiting to get the word to come for God's children, those folks who have accepted Jesus as their Lord & Savior.

Now that's the kind of news that needs to run across the tickers and be printed boldly in the headlines all around the world!

May the Lord bless you.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Colorado Town Threatened

Are we about to face a new wave of terrorism in America? I'm not talking the "Middle Eastern" type terrorism of 2001, but threats from our own immediate neighborhood. In Greeley, Colorado there seems to be a localized threat that may or may not be the beginning of a new brand of terror:

Sheriff's office probes bomb threat - The Tribune

A bomb threat demanding the release of immigrants being held for deportation was received by the Weld County Sheriff‘s Office on Thursday.

The threat was a handwritten letter in Spanish threatening judicial and law enforcement officers with the bombs with the “intent to kill the most number of Americans,” according to a press release.

As it stands, the threat seems to be specific to that particular area,

In the letter, the writer threatened to place bombs in and around Greeley after April 20 unless the immigration holds are released.

Real threat? or hoax? Please pray that they find the person responsible for the threat, and that the folks there never have to know the loss of any more citizens through violence.

May the Lord bless you.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Montpelier VT Tea Party

We had to go over to the Montpelier area and decided to make the trip today so we could check out the Tea Party on the Capital grounds. The event was supposed to be from Noon till 2:00. We weren't able to get there until right at 2:00. We were surprised to see so many still there. Montpelier is a tiny little town and needless to say, parking was a real challenge. The folks were friendly and very talkative, which isn't common for this area. The mood was one of anoyance and frustration that our Federal Government has disregarded the voice of the people.

This was one of two Tea Parties scheduled for today. I think it's important to note that conservative Vermonters are generally quiet, mind-your-own-business type folks. For them to take the time to travel to the capital in the middle of a work day and stay until the event ended ~ that is significant. The one scheduled for this evening probably drew a bigger and more lively crowd.

People around the country are getting fed up; I think the Government folks might want to sit up and pay attention.

May the Lord bless you & may He have mercy on us.

Department of Homeland Security's Warning to Law Enforcement

Federal Agency Warns of Radicals on Right
"The Department of Homeland Security is warning law enforcement officials about a rise in "rightwing extremist activity," saying the economic recession, the election of America's first black president and the return of a few disgruntled war veterans could swell the ranks of white-power militias..."

Are you opposed to abortion? Do you believe that living a sinful life contradicts God's Word? How do you feel about the freedom of speech? The Department of Homeland Security could be labeling you as a "rightwing extremist". I wish this article wasn't copyrighted so I could post the entire thing here. I encourage you to read the article so you can better understand how Christians are about to come into the cross-hairs of the Federal Government's aim.

May the Lord put His protective hand on those who speak up for Him.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Light in a Dark World

"What's up, Jesus? Looney Tunes 'Last Supper' parody stirs controversy"

When I read this, I wondered why anyone would do such a thing. Then, I read this:

"Most American Christians Do Not Believe that Satan or the Holy Spirit Exist"

There's an article floating around that I haven't had time to dig into yet that is saying the "Christian Right" has basically given up on society. So much of the news is bad and as Christians we know that the Scriptures have been warning of these days for generations. We can't stop the flow of time, but I have this indescribable hope inside of me. I guess that's why I can read about the current events and not become hopeless. God's Word states that these things will come to pass, but It also states that as Christians we have the hope through Jesus that He has us under His wing and there is no reason to despair.

Is this a time to draw into ourselves and give up on the people around us? I say NO! Now more than ever is the time to let our lights shine into the darkness and proclaim the awesomeness of our Lord. Yesterday we celebrated the sacrifice & Resurrection of Jesus Christ ... today, we are to stand taller and hold our lamps higher to show a very lost and scared world the love of our Savior.

Stand for Jesus and let your light shine.
May the Lord bless you.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Signs of the Times

"Thief swipes 83-year-old woman's 66-year-old bike"

Is this a sign of the times? It's hard to believe that any self-respecting thief would be caught dead riding around their 'hood' on a 66-year-old huffy bike.

Over in Flathead Montana there's G. George Ostrom. He's a columnist for Columbia Falls Hungry Horse News. His article:
"About Girl Wrestlers" is just good reading with some good ol' fashion common sense thrown in.

Have a blessed day!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Vt Joins the Sodom & Gomorrah List

Vermont becomes 4th state to legalize homosexual "marriage" by overridding Gov. Jim Douglas' veto.

"Marriage Bill Veto Override Attempts To Take Place Today"

This has been a long & emotional battle in Vt.; and dispite all the attempts to push it through in the past, the voice of the citizens would not allow it to pass through the voting process. Back in 2000 the courts tried to step in and override the people with the assistance of former Gov. Howard Dean, but the people again said NO. Unfortunately the people lost their say; and the law makers, (many of whom have chosen the homosexual lifestyle themselves and/or are personal promoters of this lifestyle),stepped over the will of the people to bully this legislation through.

Governor Douglas is a good man and is highly commended for his stance on this issue. He has been quoted time & again saying that this legislation is a distraction from the real issues Vermont is facing. He took his stand but refused to influence the other Republican lawmakers. I suspect that it is because Gov. Douglas signed his own pink slip in taking this action. That saddens me because Gov. Jim Douglas is a very down-to-earth man with alot of old fashion common sense. He governs with compassion & fairness.

For those who feel that homosexuals have a right to marry and don't understand why "hate mongering Christian" are trying to impose their beliefs on others, this not so simple act of including "homosexual marriages" in the official definition of marriage has a far broader impact than homosexual-sympathizers realize. Let me give you an example how this will impact the average person. If a wedding photographer feels that marriage should be between a man & woman and decides that taking pictures of homosexual weddings is not something they would be comfortable with, they could be sued & formally charged with discrimination by refusing to perform that particular job. So if that photographer doesn't compromise their covictions they could very easily loose the business they worked so hard to build plus face criminal charges for discrimination. And if a church and/or pastor chooses not to allow "homosexual marriages" in the church, they will also face charges. The list goes on; but you get the picture.

This is truly a sad day for not only the state of Vermont, but also the Country.

May the Lord have mercy on us.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Stolen Plane in Canada ~ lands on Missouri highway

Stolen Cessna plane takes off from a flight school in Canada and lands on a highway in Missouri. Pilot then takes off running, but is later captured ...
"Stolen Cessna's Pilot Captured"

If you ask me, there is alot more to this story not being told.

The White House confirms 2.25 million RED ENVELOPES have been received! Praise God & keep 'em coming!

May the Lord bless you.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


OK folks, I said that I wasn't going to do this. I rode Barack Obama pretty hard during the elections; and I got a little wound up when he became the President-elect by pointing out his lack of official documentation as to whether or not he was qualified to become the president. I went a bit tilt when he reversed the abortion thing banning our relief workers from providing abortions overseas. (I almost forgot how I kind of cut loose over that Veteran issue ~ but you've got to admit it, that one was deserved!)

But, I didn't say anything a couple of weeks ago when England's Prime Minister came to meet with President Obama and Obama was too busy to give the man the time of day. But he did send the Prime Minister home with a consolation prize consisting of a stack of DVD's (that could have been purchased at the Blockbuster down the street and was virtually worthless because our videos don't play in England's electronics). I even kept my tongue yesterday when it was reported that upon visiting the Queen of England, President Obama gave her an ipod as his official greeting gift. But, there's a new video out on youtube that just has to be seen.

Today when the G20 meetings were coming to a close and everyone was gathering for the last goodbye, the leader of the biggest superpower of the free world bowed to the king of Saudi Arabia. Not just an exaggerated nod ~ but a full scale down to the waste, look the fella in the belly-button bow.
"G-20 Summit: Family Photo"

I'm not an overly proud person. I don't have a racist bone in my body. But, does anyone besides me feel that this is terribly wrong? Not only does this man not know his "heads-of-state etiquette", but by bowing he has officially shown the world, as our leader, that America is submissive to the Saudi government.

Isn't it time for folks to wake up and smell the coffee? In less than 100 days ...

OK, I'm going to close for now. But, mark my words ~ we are in for trouble like we've never seen it before. And where will our "leader" be then?

May the Lord bless you, and may He have mercy on this country.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The West Coast is at it again ...

Jury awards man $8.6 million after crashing with pig

OK, let's get this straight, man on motorcycle hits a wild pig & sues the state of California. He claims that the state DOT knew there were wild pigs in the area. (I guess the DOT forgot to put a "Pig Crossing" sign up.) The jury awards him $8.6 MILLION DOLLARS! Is it a wonder that the state of California can't pay their employees, their bills, or their tax refunds to hard-working citizens ... but they can pay a man millions of dollars because he hit a pig. Someone needs to sue that jury for lacking common sense and while they are at it ... disbar that lawyer. This ranks right up there with suing McDonalds because they didn't tell the customer that the coffee was hot. Anything to make a buck.

The world has gone completely mad. And we wonder why we're in the mess we're in. I hope that fella doesn't mind a rubber check (post-dated).

May the Lord bless you.