Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Real People in the Real World

Getting away from the Nation's Capital, I wandered down to North Carolina and checked in on some of the towns there.

In the Greenville (NC) Daily Reflector, there's a wonderful article about a man, a horse, and a mission to spread the Gospel in the ol' timey style of the old circuit riding preachers. Ken Downey & his companion Pilgrim are currently on their third cross-country mission trip ~ "Preacher carries the gospel"

Over in Indiana, I found an interesting blog article by Dan Stockton in the Greencastle Banner-Graphic titled: "Are We Becoming Weak????". I decided to bookmark this newspaper just to go back frequently to see what Mr. Stockton has to say about other things in the future.

I'm finding that the world is a little more sane when we get away from the elected officials in the madhouse we call Washington DC and go to where the folks are in the "real world".

Have a blessed day.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

In The Ol' Hen-House

Lots of cackling going on down in Roswell, Georgia lately. Seems there's a fellow down there who was told by the zoning board that his hens had to go. He insisted they were pets and went to the local Mayor for advice. The Mayor, a former lawyer, said there weren't any laws about having pet hens and advised the fellow to sue the zoning board. Seems things got a little out of hand. CNN and other news agencies jumped on the story. The Atlanta Newspaper has this story: "Chickens Must Go, Roswell tells Resident".

Oh and by the way, the man is being represented in court by none other than the former Governor of Georgia. I'm just wondering if the girls will be called in to testify that they've never been threatened with the frying pan.

Have a good day, and may the Lord bless you.

Obama vs Veterans ~ update

According to CNSnews.com, "Pelosi: Obama Scraps Idea of Billing Veteran's Private Insurance for Treating Service-Related Injuries" Apparently even the Democrats in the Senate were so appalled at the thought of billing our Veterans that they boldly declared they wouldn't vote on the President's budget if this was included in it.

Next thing you know, it'll come out that the teleprompter glitched in the meeting with the Veterans. Maybe the Vets should have contributed over $100,000 to his campaign fund like AIG did. Then they would be receiving money instead of being threatened. To the members of the Senate who still have a sense of decency ~ Thank you.

May the Lord bless you.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Taking Care Of Those Who Took Care Of US

Back on November 24, 2008, the Cedar Rapids Gazette ran an article “With Honor, without homes”. It talked about a local home for Vets where the government funding was cut and the residents were going to become homeless at the beginning of what was shaping up to be a very cold winter in the upper Midwest. Several of the residents were interviewed and although some had family that were willing to take them in, many were literally going to move to the streets. The home made attempts to raise the money privately to ensure their residence for the short term. I never found a follow up to the article; so I’m really not sure what became of these folks. After reading about the plight of the homeless throughout the winter, I’ve often wondered how many were Veterans like the ones in Cedar Rapids.

Now I see where President Obama met with the folks at the American Legion and informed them that the country that they served so faithfully will no longer be covering their medical bills ~ not even the ones related to the wounds obtained in the line of duty. From now on, the Veterans will have to use their own private insurance for these costs. Haven’t these folks gone through enough? The men & women that served our country during times of threat & war are now having to defend themselves from the very same government that they served so faithfully.

Fox News covers this meeting and the initial responses from the American Legion representatives in “Veterans Groups Blast Obama Plan for Private Insurance to Pay for Service-Related Health Care”. There are also some touching pictures. Also, there is a separate statement put out by Craig Roberts of The American Legion that quotes Commander David K. Rehbein of The American Legion saying as he was leaving the meeting with President Obama and the White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel, “He says he is looking to generate $540-million by this method, but refused to hear arguments about the moral and government-avowed obligations that would be compromised by it.”

Can we allow this? The public servants we elected to office are giving trillions away to big businesses who obviously can’t and won’t be responsible with it, (ie: AIG giving million dollar bonuses to their executives out of the bailout money.) Yet they can’t seem to find enough money to pay back a debt that we owe those who have given everything to defend the very land we live on? Our Federal Government is acting just as irresponsible with the tax payers money as AIG is.

For those who are in support of our new president & his administration, I’m not just picking on them. The previous administration cut funding to the Veterans Hospitals all across the country. Isn’t it time for us to raise our voices & cry out for these men & women (many of whom are our own parents, brothers, sisters, and neighbors)? At the bottom of most online news articles there is a place to comment on the articles. I guarantee that the folks in government read them. A simple sentence or paragraph is enough. Raise your voice! Tell these public servants that if they don’t straighten up, their jobs are on the line ~ and mean it.

The one thing I’ve noticed more and more over the years is the fact that APATHY is killing our country. If I don’t speak up for our Vets ~ I can’t possibly look them in the eye when I meet them on the street. Can you?

May the Lord be with you.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Purple Potty

I found it. I found the "other" Mountain Home. Mountain Home, Idaho. In reading through their community newspaper, I was intrigued by the quaintness of the community. One particular story caught my eye:

"Purple Potty may appear on your lawn"

It goes on to say, "A purple toilet is being place in front yards of homes or businesses as a fundraiser for the 2009 Relay For Life."

According to the purple potty people:
A $10 donation will have it removed; $20 will have it sent to the destination of your choice; and $30 will get you a 'Purple Potty Protection Plan"
And if your really into the purple potty theme for your home ~ A $1,000 donation and it's yours.

Relay for Life is a very successful fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. What a fun way to bring awareness to such a great cause.

I know this isn't earth shattering news; but this little town has the right idea. Everybody helping to make life a little better for someone else. Maybe the folks in our Nation's Capital should pass around the Purple Potty. It would make raising money for all these government programs more fun than just raising taxes.

Have a good night, and may the Lord bless you.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Food We Eat

Just when you think it's safe to come out from under the bed ~
It seems that our government has gone completely over the top writing potential laws for just about everything. For instance, there are bills in the House of Representatives (HR 875) and Sentate (S425) that is being put out under the guise of "Food Safety" which will in fact not only force the small family farms that sell directly to the public (such as eggs, vegtables, fruits etc.) completely out of business, it will have a direct effect on Farmers' Markets, local farmstands, and even affect the fresh foods we buy in stores.

The beginning of this bill sounds innocent enough ~ almost noble in nature:
"To establish the Food Safety Administration within the Department of Health and Human Services to protect the public health by preventing food-borne illness, ensuring the safety of food, improving research on contaminants leading to food-borne illness, and improving security of food from intentional contamination, and for other purposes."

But scratch the surface and you'll find this:
Criminalize Organic Farming?

What does that mean to us, the consumers? It means that the natural vitamins & minerals God created in our food will be genetically modified to create a higher risk of cancer & birth defects. It means that the taste factor will be sub-standard. It also means that once again, the tirants in big government will take away yet another right promised in the US Constitution. You remember the Constitution don't you? The document that promises ... "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness".

Will this bill, should it become law, actually protect the consumers from "bad" food? Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't all the tainted food over the past few years link back to imports or farms/industries connected to "big ag"? As I see it, the small family farm outside of 'any town, USA' is our protection from tainted foods.

In checking on HR 875 through www.govtrack.us, I found that the bill is still in House Energy & Commerce and House Agriculture Committees.

Here's the sponsor of the bill and a list of cosponsors. Because of the shear volume of cosponsors, this will be a difficult bill to beat, but if the American public were to contact their individual Representatives, we can stop it before it gets out of committee.
Further down are lists of each of the subcommittee memebers. I strongly encourage you to find your people and voice your concerns; and then share the information with others.

Sponsor & Cosponsors of HR875:
Sponsor: Rep. Rosa DeLauro [D-CT]
Cosponsors [as of 2009-03-07]
Rep. Timothy Ryan [D-OH]
Rep. Gwen Moore [D-WI]
Rep. Fortney Stark [D-CA]
Rep. Bob Filner [D-CA]
Rep. Timothy Bishop [D-NY]
Rep. André Carson [D-IN]
Rep. Joe Courtney [D-CT]
Rep. Jerrold Nadler [D-NY]
Rep. Mark Schauer [D-MI]
Rep. James McGovern [D-MA]
Rep. John Tierney [D-MA]
Rep. Betty McCollum [D-MN]
Rep. Raul Grijalva [D-AZ]
Rep. Barbara Lee [D-CA]
Rep. Chellie Pingree [D-ME]
Rep. John Hall [D-NY]
Rep. Maurice Hinchey [D-NY]
Rep. Louise Slaughter [D-NY]
Rep. Eliot Engel [D-NY]
Rep. Nita Lowey [D-NY]
Rep. Janice Schakowsky [D-IL]
Del. Eleanor Norton [D-DC]
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz [D-FL]
Rep. Robert Wexler [D-FL]
Rep. Sam Farr [D-CA]
Rep. Marcy Kaptur [D-OH]
Rep. Kathy Castor [D-FL]
Rep. Mazie Hirono [D-HI]
Rep. Betty Sutton [D-OH]
Rep. Anna Eshoo [D-CA]
Rep. Eddie Johnson [D-TX]
Rep. Diana DeGette [D-CO]
Rep. Shelley Berkley [D-NV]
Rep. Linda Sánchez [D-CA]
Rep. James McDermott [D-WA]
Rep. Christopher Murphy [D-CT]
Rep. Sanford Bishop [D-GA]
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords [D-AZ]
Rep. Peter DeFazio [D-OR]

We need to contact our particular Representatives. We probably have less than a two week window before it comes out of committees to be voted on.

House Energy & Commerce Committee:
This committee has 59 members.

Chair: Rep. Henry Waxman [D-CA]
Rep. Joe Barton [R-TX]
Del. Donna Christensen [D-VI]
Rep. Tammy Baldwin [D-WI]
Rep. John Barrow [D-GA]
Rep. Marsha Blackburn [R-TN]
Rep. Roy Blunt [R-MO]
Rep. Mary Bono Mack [R-CA]
Rep. Frederick Boucher [D-VA]
Rep. Bruce Braley [D-IA]
Rep. Michael Burgess [R-TX]
Rep. George Butterfield [D-NC]
Rep. Stephen Buyer [R-IN]
Rep. Lois Capps [D-CA]
Rep. Kathy Castor [D-FL]
Rep. Nathan Deal [R-GA]
Rep. Diana DeGette [D-CO]
Rep. John Dingell [D-MI]
Rep. Michael Doyle [D-PA]
Rep. Eliot Engel [D-NY]
Rep. Anna Eshoo [D-CA]
Rep. John Gingrey [R-GA]
Rep. Charles Gonzalez [D-TX]
Rep. Barton Gordon [D-TN]
Rep. Raymond Green [D-TX]
Rep. Ralph Hall [R-TX]
Rep. Jane Harman [D-CA]
Rep. Baron Hill [D-IN]
Rep. Jay Inslee [D-WA]
Rep. Edward Markey [D-MA]
Rep. Jim Matheson [D-UT]
Rep. Doris Matsui [D-CA]
Rep. Jerry McNerney [D-CA]
Rep. Charles Melancon [D-LA]
Rep. Christopher Murphy [D-CT]
Rep. Tim Murphy [R-PA]
Rep. Sue Myrick [R-NC]
Rep. Frank Pallone [D-NJ]
Rep. Joseph Pitts [R-PA]
Rep. George Radanovich [R-CA]
Rep. Michael Rogers [R-MI]
Rep. Mike Ross [D-AR]
Rep. Bobby Rush [D-IL]
Rep. John Sarbanes [D-MD]
Rep. Steve Scalise [R-LA]
Rep. Janice Schakowsky [D-IL]
Rep. John Shadegg [R-AZ]
Rep. John Shimkus [R-IL]
Rep. Zachary Space [D-OH]
Rep. Clifford Stearns [R-FL]
Rep. Bart Stupak [D-MI]
Rep. John Sullivan [R-OK]
Rep. Betty Sutton [D-OH]
Rep. Lee Terry [R-NE]
Rep. Frederick Upton [R-MI]
Rep. Greg Walden [R-OR]
Rep. Anthony Weiner [D-NY]
Rep. Peter Welch [D-VT]
Rep. Edward Whitfield [R-KY]

House Agriculture Committee:
This committee has 45 members.

Chair: Rep. Collin Peterson [D-MN]
Rep. Frank Lucas [R-OK]
Rep. Joe Baca [D-CA]
Rep. John Boccieri [D-OH]
Rep. Leonard Boswell [D-IA]
Rep. Bobby Bright [D-AL]
Rep. Dennis Cardoza [D-CA]
Rep. Bill Cassidy [R-LA]
Rep. Travis Childers [D-MS]
Rep. Michael Conaway [R-TX]
Rep. Jim Costa [D-CA]
Rep. Henry Cuellar [D-TX]
Rep. Kathleen Dahlkemper [D-PA]
Rep. Brad Ellsworth [D-IN]
Rep. Jeffrey Fortenberry [R-NE]
Rep. Robert Goodlatte [R-VA]
Rep. Samuel Graves [R-MO]
Rep. Deborah Halvorson [D-IL]
Rep. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin [D-SD]
Rep. Tim Holden [D-PA]
Rep. Timothy Johnson [R-IL]
Rep. Steve Kagen [D-WI]
Rep. Steve King [R-IA]
Rep. Larry Kissell [D-NC]
Rep. Frank Kratovil [D-MD]
Rep. Robert Latta [R-OH]
Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer [R-MO]
Rep. Cynthia Lummis [R-WY]
Rep. Betsy Markey [D-CO]
Rep. James Marshall [D-GA]
Rep. Eric Massa [D-NY]
Rep. Mike McIntyre [D-NC]
Rep. Walter Minnick [D-ID]
Rep. Jerry Moran [R-KS]
Rep. Randy Neugebauer [R-TX]
Rep. Earl Pomeroy [D-ND]
Rep. David Roe [R-TN]
Rep. Michael Rogers [R-AL]
Rep. Mark Schauer [D-MI]
Rep. Jean Schmidt [R-OH]
Rep. Kurt Schrader [D-OR]
Rep. David Scott [D-GA]
Rep. Adrian Smith [R-NE]
Rep. Glenn Thompson [R-PA]
Rep. Timothy Walz [D-MN]

Apathy won't work this time. We can't continue to ignore the problems and hope they go away. And we are fools to believe that the folks we put in office have our best interest at heart if we don't bother to let them know what our interests are.

Friday, March 13, 2009


As the late Paul Harvey used to say ~ "Page 2". Well this is page 2 of Mountain Home. To keep mountain Home from becoming too political & news orientated, I've decided to include current issues & events here. Please feel free to actively discuss the issues of today; but remember, this is a Christian site and all comments will be moderated for decency.

This particular page contains advertising. Feel free to look around, and if at any time you see an ad that doesn't line up with our Christian standards, please let me know.

As I've said before, I'm a news junky. I enjoy traveling to a new town & looking around at the people & events that make the town home to those that live there.

I also feel that we should keep a close eye on those that govern us. Too many times, we get caught up in the day-to-day hassle of just surviving and we aren't able to pay attention to the public servants that we've entrusted with our rights & freedoms.

We live in a great land. Highways & byways run through large cities that seem to pulsate with the constant flow of activity. And the same roads lead through small communities where one would expect to find old men sitting on a bench drinking soda pop, assessing current weather and solving the problems of the nation all before noon.

Ready for an adventure? Let's just look around.