Thursday, April 30, 2009

Swine Flu and other stuff

Update: The “Messiah Obama” painting debut scheduled for NYC was canceled due to thousands of emails and calls of protest.

Swine Flu

There seems to be about as many rumors as facts circulating around the news about the recent swine flu outbreak in Mexico. According to WHO, there have been 7 deaths connected to this flu so far. There has been confirmation that it has expanded to 11 states, with North Carolina being the latest.

Sore throat
Muscle & joint pain
Shortness of breath
Illness may elevate to a severe respiratory illness within about 5 days, with possible vomiting and diarrhea.

The swine flu appears to have the same symptoms as the regular flu. This makes it even harder to detect, because most people tend to just ride out the flu and won’t seek medical attention.

Egypt has caused major protest because they have ordered the termination of swine in that country as a precaution. Russia and other countries have chosen to stop the import of swine from Mexico and some of the US states due to this outbreak. But from everything I’ve read, this swine flu is more than likely man-made. There have been no instances where this has passed from pig to people. The outbreak occurred close to a major pig farm, yet none of the pigs showed any signs of illness and no one has gotten sick from eating pork. Isn’t it funny how borders will be closed to pigs, which don’t pass the virus, yet stay as porous as sieves for those people who may?

Here's a map of the most current Swine Flu instances:

And you thought you were having a bad day ~

Mr. Parrot, (real name), came home and found the locks changed on his house and he was left on the curb, “Wrong house repossessed” –

The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'” - Ronald Reagan

Have a good day & may the Lord bless you.

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